Krušné mountains
recreational and training facilities

The guests of the facility are offered accommodation in two-bed, three-bed and four-bed rooms, each with own separate sanitary facilities. Most of the rooms can accommodate an extra bed. Each floor of the building has a fully equipped kitchen. The building has 11 rooms with the total capacity of 26 beds. The guests may use social rooms with a TV set as well. A vast storage room serves for storing skis or bicycles. As for catering options, suitable restaurants are within the close proximity.The facility is located near the centre of the town Jáchymov in Krušné hory. The location is ideal for touristic and cycloturistic activities. Many tourists head for the nearby hill Klínovec, a popular centre for winter sports. A funicular leads there directly from Jáchymov. The Jáchymov spa offers plenty of therapeutic procedures and wellness programs. Also, its guests can visit a new indoor aquapark.


Guests of our building can park in a limited number on a narrow access road in front of the house, but this parking must be considered temporary (when collecting waste every Thursday, it is necessary to vacate the place due to traffic).
Additional parking in the area can be arranged for a small fee when pre-ordering in the city Information center on tel. 353 808 128.
From 1.1.2022 we have 2 parking spaces 109 and 110 in K Lanovce Street on the main street under the building for a fee of 60 CZK/ car/ day (cash only).

Price list

  • - prices include VAT
  • - the prices listed are for one person and one night
  • - family members include a spouse, partner, children and grandchildren
  • - in accordance with the relevant local directive, a residence fee is to be paid upon arrival (cash only)

Cancellation conditions

Accommodation rules

Amount of floors Room number Amount of beds Sanitary facilities
Ground floor 12 4 yes
13a 1 shared - located in the hallway
13b 2 shared - located in the hallway
14 2 yes
1st floor 22 4 yes
23a 1 shared - located in the hallway
23b 2 shared - located in the hallway
24 2 yes
2nd floor 32 3 yes
33 3 yes
34 2 yes
Total number of rooms: 11 26 yes
  15. 4. - 15. 12. 15. 12. - 15. 4.
  Adults Children (under 12 years) Adults Children (under 12 years)
UCT Prague employee or student 240 CZK ---- 270 CZK ----
UCT employee or student´s family member 240 CZK 200 CZK 270 CZK 220 CZK
Other persons 440 CZK 310 CZK 530 CZK 370 CZK


Recreational and training facilities in Jáchymov

Palackého 709/56, 362 51 Jáchymov

Detailed information and reservation:
tel.: +420 220 447 206

Manager of facility:

tel: +420 353 811 005
mobil: +420 601 341 689

GPS coordinates:


Availability Jáchymov

Room number available.

Select a room and check the calendar for availability.
Amount of floors Room number Amount of beds Sanitary facilities
34. 2nd floor 2 yes
33. 2nd floor 3 yes
32. 2nd floor 3 yes
24. 1st floor 2 yes
23b. 1st floor 2 shared - located in the hallway
23a. 1st floor 1 shared - located in the hallway
22. 1st floor 4 yes
14. Ground floor 2 yes
13b. Ground floor 2 shared - located in the hallway
13a. Ground floor 1 shared - located in the hallway
12. Ground floor 4 yes
Room number 12 availability
<<February 2025>>
More information and reservations:
tel.: +420 220 447 206
tel.: +420 220 447 126

Find out which rooms are available on your chosen dates.

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