Pec pod Sněžkou

The recreational facility provides accommodation in two-, three- and four-bed rooms with a possibility of an added extra bed. All rooms have a wash basin. Sanitary facilities and a kitchen are shared. The building has 6 rooms with the total capacity of 18 beds. The guests may use a social room with a TV set as well. Restaurants suitable for all-day catering are in the nearby surroundings. Parking is possible in front of the recreational building.


The parking permission applies to 5 cars of the guest accommodated. Guests with physical disabilities are given preference. After their arrival, guests receive a parking card from the facility manager - the card must be returned when the stay ends.

Parking fee is 90 CZK/day. (cash only)

Public parking in Pec pod Sněžkou

Price list

  • - prices include VAT
  • - the prices listed are for one person and one night
  • - family members include a spouse, partner, children and grandchildren
  • - in accordance with the relevant local directive, a residence fee is to be paid upon arrival (cash only)

Cancellation conditions

Accommodation rules

Room number Amount of beds Extra bed
Amount of rooms: 6 Amount of rooms and beds: 18+2
1 4 1
2 4 1
3 3 -
4 3 -
5 2 -
6 2 -
15. 4. – 15. 12. 15. 12. – 15. 4.
Adults Children (up to 12 years) Adults Children (up to 12 years)
UCT Prague employee or student 240 CZK ---- 270 CZK ----
UCT employee or student´s family member 240 CZK 200 CZK 270 CZK 220 CZK
Other persons 440 CZK 310 CZK 530 CZK 370 CZK


CHEMIE cottage - VŠCHT SÚZ Praha

Pec pod Sněžkou 227, 542 21 Pec pod Sněžkou

Detailed information and reservation:
tel.: +420 220 447 206

Manager of facility:

tel: +420 724 080 317

GPS coordinates:


Availability Pec pod Sněžkou

Room number available.

Select a room and check the calendar for availability.
Room number Floor Number of beds Sanitary facilities
1. 1st floor 4 + extra bed shared
2. 1st floor 4 + extra bed shared
3. 1st floor 3 + extra bed shared
4. 1st floor 3 + extra bed shared
5. Ground floor 2 shared
6. Ground floor 2 shared
Room number 1 availability
<<February 2025>>
More information and reservations:
tel.: +420 220 447 206
tel.: +420 220 447 126

Find out which rooms are available on your chosen dates.

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