Prices of accommodation at UCT Prague

Valid from 1. 2. 2025

Type of room Sázava residence hall Volha residence hall
One-bed room in an accommodation unit * 238 CZK 228 CZK
Two-bed room in an accommodation unit 169 CZK 169 CZK
Three-bed room in an accommodation unit X** 140 CZK
Separate one-bed room *** 245 CZK X**
Separate two-bed room *** 194 CZK 194 CZK

*) Accommodation unit designates 2 rooms with shared sanitary facilities (separate WC and bathroom),
**) This room type is not available in this particular building,
***) A separate room means a room with its own sanitary facilities,

Prices apply to university students and UCT Prague employee.
The price includes VAT and a connection to the computer network of UCT Prague, STA and installation of your own electrical appliances if those are permitted and linen change once a week.
If the capacity options enable to accept a request for a single place in a two-bed room, an extra fee of 50% shall be charged for the free bed.
Local accommodation fees are not included in the prices and will be charged according to the current MHMP decree (note: currently for students without fees, for stays longer than 60 days).

Price list of fees.