University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague

Administration of University Facilities
K Verneráku 950, 148 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice

Sázava residence hall:

Chemická 952, 148 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice

Volha residence hall:

K Verneráku 950, 148 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice

CHEMIE Cottage - AUF UCT Prague

Pec pod Sněžkou 227, 542 21 Pec pod Sněžkou

Recreational and training facilities in Jáchymov - AUF UCT Prague

Palackého 709/56, 362 51 Jáchymov

Camping site Běstvina

Běstvina 155, 538 45

Information about student accommodation and long-term accommodation:

+420 220 447 120 | +420 220 447 123

Information about accommodation of hotel guests:


tel: +420 220 447 126